Saturday, June 28, 2008

criminal hypering of misplaced authority....

There has been an incident in which a few stray dogs shooed away for creating a ruckus in the street and running after bikes and scooters with their frightening barks being blown to exaggeratingly mocked-up proportions. The incident in a posh-colony inhabited by the supposedlly educated people in Delhi's Mayur Vihar area is a striking example of political muscle-flexing by the redundant bunch of self professed, self-styled, self-eugolized, media-hogging, publicity-thirsty breed of politically unemployed, unworthy and undeserving species whose only proximity to the taste of power has been by her matrimonial alliance to the most famous political family of the nation and who herself now hob-nobs with the staunch enemies of her late husband's political ideology. Such an insatiable lust to be in the news has prompted the woman in question to regularly put pressure on police to register a case against the persons who shooed even when these stray dogs run after them or the children playing or fight amongst themselves when an outsider dog intrudes on their territory.

I don't understand the analogy and the value she attaches to human life. Every lane in almost all localities except the V.I.P. areas ( where she resides and where the whole of administrative machinary is doled out to watch for a peck-of-dust not hitting the ground ), is armed with 8-10 dogs howling especially at night, running after passer-bys and even pouncing at the regular inhabitants more so if one is carrying a bag in hand which is conceived to be their stomach-filler

Its almost become frightening to come out on the roads for the fear of being barked at and if one has some guests coming, phone-calls are made to be their on the road where the dog's terrirtorial rights start.

Any genuine cruelty towards the poor animal (those who are innocent of the lot) is to be undoubtedly condemned but blowing it out to ridiculous proportions that border on insanity and insensitivity of human mind with an eye to score an egoist denominator and try to stir up the ripples must be dealt with an equally strong public rebuttal; detonating any attempt to explode the ammunition of public sentiments.

The self styled protagonists would well garner some genuine admiration if they look into the ways of feeding these poor creatures whom I always see licking up the drain water or tearing apart the heaps of garbage to fend themselves. tHEY MUST BE WELL-TRAINED TO NOT BARK AND

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