Saturday, February 5, 2011

when goondas rule U.P.

Mayawati would have cried hoarse and shrieked loud if all these what is happening under her rule would have happened if she would have been not in power.

A dalit girl raped when a dalit herself is a C.M and then the shabby investigations victimise the sufferer.

A GIRL's HANDS AND FEET CHOPPED BY THE RAPISTS WHO TRIED TO RAPE HER........ALL done when the helpless girl fought and resisted the rape............

To this height have we stooped that we deserve not to be called a civilized society... more-over when the power has been catapulated on slogans of dalit atrocities and SC/ST issues............

Why is Mayawati quite a disastor...............why no slogan shouting at the drop of the hat now ,,,,,,why no Ambedkar mantra

Or was it her... one of a third rated let crime nurture itself...............
all this .. when we have a dalit CM herself,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The feasibility of DEMOCRACY needs to be seen through such a spectrum....................

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