Tuesday, July 21, 2009

HOMOSEXUALITY....its legalisation,,,,,,,ECLIPSING NATURE'S PATH...

Nature has its own bag of mysteries............the creator's own basket being not without the proverbial -----ROTTEN APPLE.......

Human existence being an extention of these mysteries deepens the aura of man's intelligence, at times to a ridiculing extent encompassing the unantural to the realm of natural. When we say time is moving ahead,,,or time and tide wait for nobody.......or earth rotates on its axis.......or the solar system in some way in continous motion.............with planets in their respective orbits,,,,,,,,,,the change in the orbit of a miniscule degree over the ages resulting in an abberation called ECLPISE...............or can we say 2009 ever occured before 2008...........

Life therefore is in continous motion ......so is human inhabitance. The nucleus being the the law of PROCREATION........the foremost requirement of which is the association of opposite sex to fructify human births. Any deviation or any aberration of human mindset that goes against this backdrop of nature's calculated symmetry doesn't need to be gloated over but looked into rationally.

The existence of a handful souls with a different taste and a palate of human behaviour hijacking the basic doctrine of human survival under the coveted veil of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS is the most pathetic form of judicial or social activism. Gays, lesbions, homosexual live-in relations being legalised and socially accepted is a casuality of the human intelligence and an intrusion to the natural doctrines of human behaviour. The feeling of attraction towards the same sex defeats the very idom- "Like poles repel and unlike poles attract each-other ".

The persons with such a bent of mind whom the great sex symbol Celina Jaitely refuses to accept as an aberrated case, requiring logical approach, is as pathic in thought as when she is usually seen in the her deep-cleavge attire, with upper crusts of her breasts bulging to their extremes even when there is hardly an occasion justifying such an exposure which is nothing short of a wardrobe malfunction if it slips another centimeter below her bust. What she ultimately lands up doing is craeting a fashion statement even for those section of woman whose ambience is not so conducive for wearing such an attire and who then fall a pray to more of hootings than they would have in usual sense of the term. It is not denying the fact that Celina is an adult with fundamental rights as enshrined in the constitution and we are nobody to intrude in her sense of wisdom as long as she is comfortable exposing the parts of her body ............ but she would do one service to (wo)mankind if she moves around bereft of her bouncers and security and stays at a normal place where she has to walk in the middle of roads and streets......and face the venom of eve-teasing , hooliganism, perverted comments more so when the dresses she walks in leaves evertything on the wings of imagination..................

Her comments in this debate of Homosexuality are as dangerously outrageous as her dresses are. Scrapping article 377 and not treating such people with criminal manifestations is a welcome step but to legalise lesbianism and gayism is as corrupting the mindset of many who wouldn't at the first palce even think of getting into but for the fashion staement that it has now been made out to be. Progressive outlook is an essence of any social development but to lace it with spice of eccenticity is leading the society to a batllefield of thought-evolvement which is laden with land-mines ...... of the destruction of SOCIAL - FABRIC,,,,,,,,,,

Making a fashion staement of this unhealthy trend is as condemnable as appreciating the concept of handling such cases with more humane touch.................realising that it is an aberration of a mindset and not nature's third line of human categorisation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nitin,

You are right only we can make some difference.

In a way your arrgument is right.
