Wednesday, July 15, 2009

THE BOMBAY DELUGE................

The destruction, violence, and hooliganism perpetrated by the so called self-styled protectors and media-light hogging maniacs to change Bombay to Mumbai hasn't changed the basic character of the city or lessened in any number the monumental problems that better-up its populace. Mere slogan-shouting, murdering people on the basis of caste, religion, region, holding city to ransom, inflammabling the volatile Maratha-sentiments at the drop of the hat to make one visible presence on T.V. screens does not rid Bombay of all the maladies that that have infested its physic and urban habitat.

Mohenjodaro and Harrappa, the first found remnants of India's early civilisation dating back to 5,000 years show a much better sewage and drainage system when technology was perhaps a non-existent commodity. Water flooding the streests to harrowing nightmares, the household items floating, vehicles drowned neck-deep, drinking-water and continous electricity being a royal wish, people hunting for basic-neccessities in knee-deep waters, water logging halting the transport services, babies crying for their infant food,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

But nowhwere did we see the self-styled masters getting united for once to lend a helping hand to the needy,,,,,,,,,not once did we see the champions of stone-pelting and property burning fame braving the rains for any community service----------the community for which they swear to die.........not once did we see them passing their talibannised dictates to the authorities to ward off corruption and put in place the sewage system..........nowhere did we see them improving the health and environment in terms of garbage disposal and pollution control measures,,,,,,,,,,, not a semblence of their presence to demand well-carpetted roads which is a cause of 10% misscarriages, no initiative to GREEN Bombay, no vision to streamline the transport services, no plans to counter crimes and drugs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Or is this another instance like the 26/11 when the commandoe-protected Thackerays seem to shy away in their big bungalows in their comforting zones waiting for the people to suffer on their own and the again expoit their domicile sentiments to have an inch of publicity once the rain gods pass over.................

Would the sensible Mumbaikar now see through the maniacism of these people and stop falling prey to their arrogance and egoism but work for Mumbai not to have another deluge when this is over................... After all--what is their in a name----------what we call a ROSE would smell the same by any othe name....................

I am sure Mumbai would smell the same............. be it Bombay or Mumbai................. but the bone-marrow has to progressivelly healthy rather than harp on the wild imaginations of some idiotic sycophants........ Mumbai has to be saved from such a BLOOD-CANCER.

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