Sunday, September 7, 2008


Despite the Supreme Court's judgement, cattle and buffaloes are a common sight on the roads, even on the busy main road junctions. From the fairy tales of the past as the Cinderella would appear and disappear, so would the cows emerge suddenly in groups from the other side of the divider and hold the traffic to ransom.

Apart from the traffic hazard leading to traffic-jams and regular incidents of accidents at their sudden emergence, cattle-cows-dogs hitting and bleeding to death on the roads has not awakened the NGOs and Maneka Gandhis of their media-hogging activism and cry over the cruelty to animals. In fact the most ardent of their oratory does not find an audible decibel on the deaths of these speechless creatures of the same God that made humans. Interestingly any attempt to load these animals to the pick-up vans invites their foul cry and often a stay to be evacuated from the courts not realising that letting them die in cold-blood on the roads is more a cruelty than transporting them to safer places, even though it may require some force to do so..........But alas Maneka would have had nothing to do as it would take the wind out of her sails to reach to cheap standards of political survival. She makes sure to enter the sympathy gearing domain only when its required for her to keep quite and be out of the way..............

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