There are farmers dying in monumental proportions, floods deluging the city every now and then- the threatening health hazards, power crisis, water scarcity, rapes of Mumbai girls by Mumbaikars including the recent incident involving none other than the custodians of Maratha culture -- Raj Thackeray's men, hit and run by the drunkards involving the PA of shiv sena supremo, road rage, poverty, garbage, mismanaged city's transport, eve-teasing, beggars thronging every corner, encroachments, people living in penury, naxalites killing people, roof-tops and buildings caving in, pollution, stinking sea-beaches and roads, deteriorating law and order, murders, rampant corruption, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the list is unending,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

But instead, what we observe is a pathetic rather disgusting rise of goondaism in the garb of Maratha custodians, bent on dividing the nation on caste, region and religion, coming up with unproductive issues as to which party has said what, and which public personality has said in what language…threaten them and then cough up the support of vagabonds to hijack the peace of the city, create arsony and destroy public property which anyways is for the benefit of same Mumbaikar for whose comfort they try to raise their baton........
The same Maharashtra Navnirman Sena who went after the public stunt of threatening Amitabh’ s movies and humiliating Jaya Bachchan now offers his manifesto to Amitabh...............
The same shiv sena loafers... vouching on the hype of Mumbaikar pride have been found with cars stashed with unaccounted currency notes.
Not a word for the poor Unnikrishanan who laid his life for the City--They call-- Mumbai, nor the sacrifices of Hemant Karkare or kamte remembered...what they remember is how to spread hatred and communalism and kill outsiders on the roads…this hooliganism is perhaps the nav nirman mantra of Mumbaikars..................if so, then the first person to be thrown out of Delhi is none other than their own Maharashtrian- Pratibha Patil, who undeservingly occupies the Rashtrapti Bhavan.................despite many cases-- both criminal and civil against her and her family...............

What's Shiv Sena's OR Maharashtra Navnirman Sena's take on this-- is to be seen...................
Or still better it is for the common Mumbaikar to judge………and make a difference.....
JAI HIND........... 
1 comment:
Hi Nitin,
Good that you think about the common ppl.. but feels sad when we see that the people who must hear the cries of the ppl are just sitting with deaf ears.
This is called "POLITICS"!! man...
Each one of these are cold blooded murderers......
but you keep flaming your views....... who knows some might catch that ignite and Act on the Oath which they have taken before moving on that powerful chair...
Keep up your Good work
All the best
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