Saturday, August 15, 2009
REALITY SHOWS defining new linmits of OBSCENITY...........
Such is the horde of getting TRPs that the morality factor has finally been thrown to the winds....obscenity in the form of reality shows has been the hallmark of these channels..... Nudity, cheap talks, third rated jokes like Sidhu types, abusive language, skimpy clothes for the woman have been the nucleus of such reality shows,,,,,,,,,,,,using disgraceful language and repulsively demoralising attitude being the bench mark to have gaping audience wonder-stuck...........
The recent reality show ISS JUNGLE SE MUJHE BACHHAOA, depicting Negar Khan justifying her skimpiest clothes to being so--as in real life.........with rain drenching sequences and vulgar hand and body movements shows their desperation to catch some wondering eyes to climb up the success ladder. With deep cleavages highlighting the upper protruding cusps to their maximum exposure and waist covering hardly anything worth the name.... Negar Khan and the women of her ilk deserve to be in Tarzan's land to be in their so - called real self...........
Earlier in some dance and singing competitions for the talent hunt, the infighting and abusive hurling at each other by the judges and subsequent disrespect shown to the kids with crispy and spiced humiliation has had its impact in some nervous breakdown cases. That we need a deviation from the path ethically expected from as widely seen and as popular a medium as t.v.--- just for its TRP's is a sad commentary in a nation that spurts up in a jiffy with Brinda Karat's and Shanti Bhushan's holding Jantar Mantra and Supreme court to ransom over one politically milking topic or human violation incident.
That such serials intruding even children and living-rooms do leave an impressionable mark shouldn't be ignored nor argued on the basis of one Barkha Dutt or some other anchor shuttling with a microphone from one corner to another in some talk-show and jumping for some fundamental rights issue.
At the end of the day----its cheapness, vulgarity, exploiting a relation and disrespect enhancing denominator that we are looking at. . . To counter it on the barometer of liberalism, fundamental rights, progressive outlook and some fun loving categories is nothing but a venomous intrusion on our wisdom and sense of judicious judgement. Its time for mature barons of media like Prannoy Roy to rise above their subtle attitudes and do demarcate a self-regulatory authority rather than crib and cry every time over the split milk.
The milking of such reality shows in the mean time will milk whatever morality that we are left with....... will somebody talk of GLOBAL WARMING and GREEN HOUSE effect of man's existence as civilised beings........................... TIME TO SAVE A THOUGHT FOR.........................
Friday, August 14, 2009
STUNTS versus SARKOZY...........
With two previous marraiges and a third to the Carla Bruni, a former topless model who has quite a few shoots in full nudity, Sarkozy father of three sons from the previous marriages plans to expolit his next conception with Bruni to his political advantage. There could nothing be more cheap, depicting paucity of his ideas to counter growing discontentment on home-turf. The idea of throwing in the ring his desire to father a child from the world's most desirable woman just before the next Presidential elections is a classic example of mixing stunt with politics, the kind of politics that is bereft of any mature shades of governance rather a kind of politics more goverened by bust and bums of the fashion models.
Although I myself find the couple like a cuckoo-bird little-lovings, with loving tender touches even at international podiums making the headlines but the recent reports to use his private life to promote his public image smacks of highly deplorable standards of publicity, a strategy that backfired stupendously when he seperated from his second wife in 2007 after the presidential elections. However attractive be the physical quotient or however charming the disposition of the sexy wives mirred in deepest of the deep scandals be,,,,,,,,,,the nations and their future are not the personal fiefdom of the spouses. To think Sarkozy bettered his public ratings by 12% after he fell and collapsed while jogging last month and that he would repeat the feat by declaring his intention to culminate his love-making into human life would be a misconception of the most weired kinds.
At the most it could be a cheap public stunt to play the card of family-way which now he should leave his adult children to take care off. Its time now for Nicholas Sarkozy to play the role of a Statesman rather than a Playboy and win the next elections on the strength of his political astuteness rather than flirtatious extravaganzaas.
Politics surely is nobody's family domain for entertainment nor it should be allowed by some romantic wrecks,,,,,,,,,,,,to be made into one..................
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The pictures were nothing less than that of a reigning beauty queen of her times. The lady exhuberated with such an innate sense of mesmerisation that left impressions of divinity all through. They were seeped in waters of perennial mountain-falls that would never loose its freshness making the pictures flutter like the morning dew on the first rays of sunshine grass. Such was the aura of the woman who was to the world --The Maharani of Jaipur, that even grace and beauty would knock her doors for the Beauty to be defined. The 1956 photographs were gorgeously exquisite, eternally soothing, marvelously beautiful, oozing sensuality within the degrees of decorum and dignity. The charisma stuffed in monumental proportions would have put any Helen of Troy to bouts of depression or any Bollywood diva to run for her money.
Such was the magnitude of luster that she commanded immense respect and affection, of not only her subjects but at one point of time she was voted as one of the most beautiful woman on earth.

That life has traversed a visible journey from the youthful bliss to property oriented hidden infightings inherently related with such royalty displayed in the mature persona of 2006 makes one realize the truth of being in human incarceration............the cruel facet of life that is synonymous with every human being with varying degrees.

THAT IS WHAT IS THE TRUE COLOURS OF LIFE ...............EVERYONE'S LIFE......................culminating in a way that depicts man as a pawn in his hands and sent to earth to fulfill a predestined journey..........................THAT'S WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT .......................
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
In the midst of elaborate administrative measures emanating from the glass houses of India's Page 3, there comes the news of incoming passengers at the airport not being subjected to even the bare minimum precautinary tests to detect the presence of flu symptons. More abyssmal is the procedure of getting a form filled up for formality sake -leaving it to the manipulations of the passengers themselves to indicate if they have any symptons. One such passenger royally landed at Ahmedabad airport with no one ever scrutinising him for the virus. The paper rightly exposed the hollow nature of truth carried from the air-conditioned precincts of the minister's office.
When countries all over the world are putting their head and shoulders to curb the evil in the bud, and even deporting back the infected patients--------the seventh largest nation in the world with a share of almost 1/7th of the world's 7 . 5 billion workforce, the world's largest democracy with the the most voluminous constitution, a nation with the maximum no. of reservations in the working sector, a democracy that thrives on max. dharnas and chakka-jaams,,,,,what if that nation lives in the medieval mindset --a nation bereft of any vision for its subjects, without any minimum standards of governance, a country where one M.P. is priced at 25 crores in the coalition era, where M.P.'s are at their hooligan best in the parliament, where tainted occupy the presidency, where a C.M. spends 600 crores to install her own statues while allocating just 200 crores for draught relief.......................................that nation sooner or later is a doomed nation where people would perish because of the incompetence and unworthiness of the people in power.
Until and unless the quality of the politicians rises above the demarcations of caste, religion and regionalism and corruption at high places handled with an iron hand, until the responsibilty is fixed and time oriented visionary tasks not followed, until the garbage disposal sequence right from the doorsteps not streamlined and 60% sanitary staff working in proxy not taken to task..............we will be jumping over from one meningitis to another dengue to subsequent bird-flu to the latest swine flu..........the list will go on increasing with new terminlogical ailments knocking at our graves...........and Gulam Nabi Azad throwing up his hands defending the same with innocent sweet words --------we cannot control the swine flu ... sooner or later it had to strike...........pouring like honey. What he missed out was that he forgot to put some medicos at the airport to check the swine infected cases or he couldn't control the masks to be sold at Rs.350/- where its original price is around Rs. 100/-, else he first blamed the innocent victim of spreading the disease and when media went hammer and tongs he spend the day apologising for the same..........
Well if the Minister could roll-up his sleeve for the next epidemic to be efficiently nipped in its infancy, You my friends would surely have a better news to say.....................
Monday, August 10, 2009
SWINE FLU swings its way..........
With the kind of lethargy and inconsistency shown by Gulam Nabi Azad, the man whom I had always admired for being the youngest ever Cabinet Minister in the Rajiv Gandhi govt. to a successful Chief Minister of a rather volatile state --J.&K., the situation surely has gone for a six. The more shocking and pathetically casual was his statement about the first victim of the swine flu--Reeda spreading the dreaded disease to 85 people. By such an irresposible statement, the Minister runs the risk of inviting the wrath of any activist-lawyer to sue the govt. in failing to protect the fundamental rights enshrined in Part-III, article 21 of the Constitution. Right to live with human dignity, Right to pollution free water and air, Right to health and Medical assistance are an essential ingredients of Article 21. Failure of these as exlicit in the instant case of Reeda, the govt. has misreably and the minister criminally failed in ensuring the basic tenemants of the said right to live. More criminal is the attitude with which the minister holds the little girl responsible for spreading the flu.
The least he can do is to take care of the judicious way the ethics of the game are followed. Corruption and chalta-hai culture, the perenial garbage lying scattered wherever the retina feasts, pollution in the air, are the areas that the minister should come heavy on. A stern message against those found guilty rather than cursing the helpless girl should have been the mindset of the govt. N-95 masks at an exhorbitant rate of Rs. 300 whose original cost is Rs. 80, is a slap on the various measures that we see govt. roaring with.
A responsible attitude not when meningitis or a swine flu hits but all through with stern action against the corrupt officers and ministers whose share is always inherent in any big deals is the real answer. The minister would certainly upgrade his TRPs by more effective actions rather than irresponsible ansd casual statements.
Well haven't we heard,,,,,,,,,,,MERA BHARAT MAHAAN...........we will cross over the bridge.........but after many an innocent soul having been drowned in those waters........
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Buta Singh being a product of nepotism of his then masters therefore had nothing more to his calibre than his proximity levels. With no talent and sense of nationalism that should at least have bordered on the upliftment his catse ................he played as always to the unlimited greed and hunger for shamelessly stashing money even when he is supposed to be a protector of SC and ST category people. More so when he accepts bribes to the tune of crores from his fellow dalits, SC and STs.
It was not long ago when he and his sons had hijacked the Raj Bhawan of Patna and treated the administration as their fiefdom, pocketing money on transfers and granting contracts thereby becoming the Bunty and Bubbly of a Bollywood Masala movie. Having thrown out by the judiciary, the unemployed Ex-Governor Buta Singh took to black mailing tactics in the Congress to be suitably rehabilitated for his A.C.s and bungalows to be taken care by the tax-payers money.
Having nurtured such a disgraced reputation himself----unbecoming of a leader of his stature, Buta's willing interferance of his unworthy sons into the adimistration just to be the touts in the game shows the mental mindset of the people who are wishfully thriving every act of theirs on public ex-chequer. Crying over the split milk, now that his son who fulfils every look of being a crook to the core, has been caught by the CBI, Buta still has the cheek to defend his son's act as a criminal conspiracy to tarnish his image,,,,,,,,,,..If only somebody would tell him ,,,,,he hardly has any image worth a mention..........The height of arrogance and hunger for power still makes him shamelessly cling to the which he justified .........that he would die rather than resign..........
Reservations without brains therefore leads to disgrace, sooner or later it exposes one's incompetence and unmindful arrogance of a nation we should socially boycott these spoilt brats of filthy rich fathers who have officially raped the spirit of democracy read with in the perview of reservations................... Buta therefore needs not an eye of sympathy but the tight noose of law to act as a deterrant for brethren of his ilk.......... India then can heave a sigh of relief and optimism to come out of such blatant criminals occupying high offices.........
Sunday, August 2, 2009
RAKHI SAWANT---------a hot item girl to a masoom bahu.............
I am not a great admirer of the likes of what makes Rakhi Sawants. Perhaps I would end up being a critic of sorts to the ingredients that make her personality and account for her cheap publicity stunts that she has been known to roost from time to time. The recent stunt cooked on the verge of gaining high TRPs broke all avenues of human manipulations, piercing the popularity qoutient in unimaginable measure projecting herself as the ultimate diva of the present times.
Rising from the levels that she honestly accepts to be below dignity, Rakhi Sawant has had a taste of what it means to venture into a field known for being ruled by Godfathers and pimps of the industry where female flesh serves as the toast from the small time producers to big time cameramen. Starting from petty small time music albums where cleavage of her breast-line became a thunderstorm for rustic hootings and rowdy teasings following her perverted pelvic gyrations, keeping herself engaged in self-created controversies, generating the media hype of even her kisses at B'day parties, hogging media lights at the cheapest possible way, keeping her popularity denominator sustainable by raking up craziest of the crazy issues, waxing sympathy output at T.V. shows and mystifying the whole audience by her flowing tears managing even the fanatics of hindu culture like BJP's Singhal to address her-- Beti, grinding out the image of a highly paid diva dancing almost nude at New year parties, her earlier dances mostly of the stature of a strip-tease variety, her reputation of being a hot item girl or a sex-symbol, shedding clothes at the increasing wards of currency notes, ,,,,,,,,,, Rakhi Sawant with an inherent " I " attitude and of an highly arrogant disposition.....................a manipulator par-excellence to weave at times her waning popularity to eloquent dividends, this juggular of a kind having had a taste of a single woman being pruned by her drunk counterparts to the limits of choiecist expletives and physical abuses........surely has comne a long way..................................................................................
That she after being an item-girl and a sex-symbol bomb has the guts to wage a self authored concept mesemerizing many an audience to glue to the screen and scripting a role comparing herself to the Goddess Sita with an aura of an uninflinching command and bestowing upon herself the regality of royalty, personifying as the ultimade lady who could squander many an unfluttered heart like the bees hovering around the honey nest with her self-synthesising respect-generating, smoothly measured decibels, attaining the pristine height and carving a niche as authoritative as lining three musketeers in the final bridal fray with their families lined dutiful before her............and submitting them to her whims and wishes, pumping the adrenaline of millions watching the show world-wide..... Rakhi Sawant marketed herself with impunity and and chose a millionaire from whom she could command the " compound intertest " of having made him a celebrity and in lieu of same -- be treated like a queen throughout which possibly the best of bachelors in the industry would never ever had considrerd her for, realising her original veracity with deeply seeped erratic mentality.
Is she going a way ahead to boost her dilapadated maket value or is it mere a ploy to enter into everyone's living rooms-- relishing her newly manufactured --- commanding status, with sponsored jewellery to the tune of a crore of ruppees and palatial ambience of a royal status. She knows the life of an artist as that of a beautiful footmat on whom people avoid keeping their foot as long as it is new but everybody forgets once it loses its sheen. If she lets wisdom rule her intellectual faculties, this could be the best bargain she could have ever thought of, but if she changes colours true to her would be a watershed that would ruin the lifeout of her.
Having traverssed the frightiningly clumsy path all along and in a way being disowned by the family.............. the former choice without any manipulative shade seems more pliable. That she has been successful in projecting herself as a self-styled diva, at times complimenting the whole scenario with emotive and shockingly truthful disposition of her past life and of not so affluent roots.... lends an element of softness to the episode. She therefore is well disposed at the present juncture to have the fruits which she never-ever would have thought to be of such healthy and nutritious value............