Gayatri Devi, former Maharani of Jaipur breathed her last a few days back. It would have been like any another news fit enough to be consigned into the backyards of my memory lane but for the magnificent pictures posted alongside, it caught me on a different platform.
The pictures were nothing less than that of a reigning beauty queen of her times. The lady exhuberated with such an innate sense of mesmerisation that left impressions of divinity all through. They were seeped in waters of perennial mountain-falls that would never loose its freshness making the pictures flutter like the morning dew on the first rays of sunshine grass. Such was the aura of the woman who was to the world --The Maharani of Jaipur, that even grace and beauty would knock her doors for the Beauty to be defined. The 1956 photographs were gorgeously exquisite, eternally soothing, marvelously beautiful, oozing sensuality within the degrees of decorum and dignity. The charisma stuffed in monumental proportions would have put any Helen of Troy to bouts of depression or any Bollywood diva to run for her money.
Such was the magnitude of luster that she commanded immense respect and affection, of not only her subjects but at one point of time she was voted as one of the most beautiful woman on earth.

This was one part of the game......the other diagonally opposite were two more of her pictures depicting the true colours of a journey that was in itself a colossal manifestation of a human life. From a lovely, sensitive, charming, voluptuous lady-------she was a complete personification of a woman blended with shades of royalty woven into the intricate fabrics of politics of modernity. The other two pictures displayed her agile, feeble-self, painted with the brush of age taking its toll. The wrinkled face, grey hair, maturity and the true colours of life ---both good or bad --sweet and sour---benevolent and cruel-----complimented a journey through the romantic alleys of 1950s to the practically true colours of 2009..............a vast difference culminating in a life that has come a full 360 degrees. The grace and decorum ,,,,the aura associated with the onslaught of time making its presence felt in the deep wrinkles and dark circles beneath her eyes......
That life has traversed a visible journey from the youthful bliss to property oriented hidden infightings inherently related with such royalty displayed in the mature persona of 2006 makes one realize the truth of being in human incarceration............the cruel facet of life that is synonymous with every human being with varying degrees.

This reminded me of a sequence from TITANIC where the old lady traverses her past to the youthful bliss, through her romantic conjectures and finally the reality of being grey haired ..wrinkled self-writtings for the Gods to finally send a passport to heavens.............Gayatri Devi's pictures with true colours of life culminating with the onslaught of time ....................depicted the very essence of human journey from its youth to the time of Gods call..............................
THAT IS WHAT IS THE TRUE COLOURS OF LIFE ...............EVERYONE'S LIFE......................culminating in a way that depicts man as a pawn in his hands and sent to earth to fulfill a predestined journey..........................THAT'S WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT .......................
Hi Nitin....
This was the better blog which i read today, i heard about Gayatri Devi case.....but never know much about her life......first time am very much impressed about your blog..specially u put her picture on your blog...but still u doing same mistake on your word style.
I wish u will improve on your next blog & keep writing other blog.
Hi Nitin....
This was the better blog which i read today, i heard about Gayatri Devi case.....but never know much about her life......first time am very much impressed about your blog..specially u put her picture on your blog...but still u doing same mistake on your word style.
I wish u will improve on your next blog & keep writing other blog.
From Tanu
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