I am not a great admirer of the likes of what makes Rakhi Sawants. Perhaps I would end up being a critic of sorts to the ingredients that make her personality and account for her cheap publicity stunts that she has been known to roost from time to time. The recent stunt cooked on the verge of gaining high TRPs broke all avenues of human manipulations, piercing the popularity qoutient in unimaginable measure projecting herself as the ultimate diva of the present times.
Rising from the levels that she honestly accepts to be below dignity, Rakhi Sawant has had a taste of what it means to venture into a field known for being ruled by Godfathers and pimps of the industry where female flesh serves as the toast from the small time producers to big time cameramen. Starting from petty small time music albums where cleavage of her breast-line became a thunderstorm for rustic hootings and rowdy teasings following her perverted pelvic gyrations, keeping herself engaged in self-created controversies, generating the media hype of even her kisses at B'day parties, hogging media lights at the cheapest possible way, keeping her popularity denominator sustainable by raking up craziest of the crazy issues, waxing sympathy output at T.V. shows and mystifying the whole audience by her flowing tears managing even the fanatics of hindu culture like BJP's Singhal to address her-- Beti, grinding out the image of a highly paid diva dancing almost nude at New year parties, her earlier dances mostly of the stature of a strip-tease variety, her reputation of being a hot item girl or a sex-symbol, shedding clothes at the increasing wards of currency notes, ,,,,,,,,,, Rakhi Sawant with an inherent " I " attitude and of an highly arrogant disposition.....................a manipulator par-excellence to weave at times her waning popularity to eloquent dividends, this juggular of a kind having had a taste of a single woman being pruned by her drunk counterparts to the limits of choiecist expletives and physical abuses........surely has comne a long way..................................................................................
That she after being an item-girl and a sex-symbol bomb has the guts to wage a self authored concept mesemerizing many an audience to glue to the screen and scripting a role comparing herself to the Goddess Sita with an aura of an uninflinching command and bestowing upon herself the regality of royalty, personifying as the ultimade lady who could squander many an unfluttered heart like the bees hovering around the honey nest with her self-synthesising respect-generating, smoothly measured decibels, attaining the pristine height and carving a niche as authoritative as lining three musketeers in the final bridal fray with their families lined dutiful before her............and submitting them to her whims and wishes, pumping the adrenaline of millions watching the show world-wide..... Rakhi Sawant marketed herself with impunity and and chose a millionaire from whom she could command the " compound intertest " of having made him a celebrity and in lieu of same -- be treated like a queen throughout which possibly the best of bachelors in the industry would never ever had considrerd her for, realising her original veracity with deeply seeped erratic mentality.
Is she going a way ahead to boost her dilapadated maket value or is it mere a ploy to enter into everyone's living rooms-- relishing her newly manufactured --- commanding status, with sponsored jewellery to the tune of a crore of ruppees and palatial ambience of a royal status. She knows the life of an artist as that of a beautiful footmat on whom people avoid keeping their foot as long as it is new but everybody forgets once it loses its sheen. If she lets wisdom rule her intellectual faculties, this could be the best bargain she could have ever thought of, but if she changes colours true to her character...........it would be a watershed that would ruin the lifeout of her.
Having traverssed the frightiningly clumsy path all along and in a way being disowned by the family.............. the former choice without any manipulative shade seems more pliable. That she has been successful in projecting herself as a self-styled diva, at times complimenting the whole scenario with emotive and shockingly truthful disposition of her past life and of not so affluent roots.... lends an element of softness to the episode. She therefore is well disposed at the present juncture to have the fruits which she never-ever would have thought to be of such healthy and nutritious value............
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