Its Shame for people like Ex. CM Kumaraswamy to blatantly say : "No Politician can survive without black money" and Kapil Sibal saying : "What can lokpal Bill do? Hasn't India developed without the Lokpal bill? Has corruption come to an end in states having Lokayutak? "
If that be so, Crime is increasing day in and out. Uncivilized treatments to the women in the cubs, cars and lot many places... despite all tall claims to curb them and provide security.
Manu Sharmas defended by Ram Jethmalanis in a brazen attempt to hijack and mislead the facts.
So does it mean - Police stations and Courts be shut down ... Mr.Sibal?
Adding to this, Ramdev is no doudt doing an excellent reformation and rekindling of our lost moral fabric but the way he is doing and his use of words show his biasness and are brazenly one sided.
Why has Ramdev not taken a Crusade for justice against his one time close disciple N.D. Tiwari whose womanising obsession led to his removal on being caught with three undressed girls in the precincts of Raj Bhawan...?
Now the question is: Why is Ramdev not asking his neck????
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