Monday, October 26, 2009
143 Criminals in Maharashtra Assembly.
Out of the 288 seats , 143 criminals have been elected to the Maharashtra Assembly. The champion of Marathi manoos Shiv Sena tops the list with ---
1. 31 MLAs,
2. B.J.P and Congress - 26,
3. NCP - 24 and
4. Independents - 36.
The charges being of murder, dacoity, robbery, extortion, kidnapping and attempt to kill…
....No wonder we keep having the proclaimed offenders at the Mumbai Police Commissioner's daughter's wedding or see them throwing chapplas and mikes in the assembly graced with the choicest of the expletives.
.......No wonder we will continue having bomb blasts and terror attacks as these 143 gentlemen would strengthen their dubious links and fill their coffers----------the grapevine lying in the fact that Kamte, karkare, Unnikrishanans would keep losing their lives and K.L.Prasad shown eyes by someone who hid under his wife’s dupatta wearing her bangles when the need to act like SHIVAJI.............................knocked his doors for almost 72 hours.
The spirit to act like Shivaji and champion the cause of Marathas suddenly took a beating. None of these 143 manoos came on the roads, then what is the harm if Congress ducks under Sonia's shadow even if she is Italian…
Din’t Mumbai's very-own-desi- THACKERAY manoos betray their own Mumbaikars…backstabbed the Maratha sheen which shown so well only in their well prepared speeches and threat laced interviews.If there is someone who deserves to genuinely be in the assembly, it should be the widows of the slain officers and those who were the victims of the blast..................for it is they who realize the pains of losing their dear ones and not the ones who hijack the peace of the city with violence remote controlled through their air-conditioned mansions.Well for a nation so very obsessed with the RESERVATION mantra....................shouldn't the assembly seats been put on 69% category slot for the victims of the 9/11 rather than multimillionaire criminals undeservingly clinching it............................................
That’s for the enlightened Mumbaikar to decide,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Wine, Women and 35 Crores.........................
Converting cars into moblile bars with raising a toast looking at every girl passing by, plastic bottles of clod-drinks converted into liqour serving-glasses, loud music, rash swirls, V.I.P. sirens ---the task sure is tough for Mr.Srivastava, Jt.C.P. (Traffic), who has till now relentlessly shown his zeal and ingenious enthusiasm with an inherent willingness and intention to reform the system and check the violators ---------------------to venture into the arterial market roads to offer a soothing space -movement for the fairer of the species.
Meanwhile Dr. Walia the New Delhi Minister who valiantly boasts of an increased 35 crore revenue from liqour selling - (H.T.dated 01-10-2009 ), and who has been instrumental in creating fresh avenues of a generation lined up at the docter's clinic or at the de-addiction camps of his govt's social and welfare department need not be a worried man ..................................for he has been wise enough to a bachelor ..........with no wife, nor a daughter, nor a daughter-in-law or any grand daughters to be oogled, teased or pushed inside the tinted black drunk wolves to satisfy their perverted physical hunger..........
Mr.Walia...............surely is a clear winner but if he only realises the seat he holds is " mortal "
and the deeds he does would be itched in realm of " immortality ".
Unfortunately this glow of crores blinds the health of the country and its subjects,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Monday, October 12, 2009
Mumbai doomed as a laughter state,,,,,,courtsey -- "THE THACKERAYS ".....
Whatever the name or whichever the way one pronounces, Bombay or Mumbai-- If such rats and cats remain the self-styled jokers ...............the city is doomed to be laughed at...
When Bombay/Mumbai burnt, Thackeray's Pvt.Ltd Company vanished.
When Qasab was firing and killing people including the SIT chief Hemant Karkare, his deputy Kamte--Udhav and BAL Thackeray were perhaps busy gulping dal and rice down their filthy throats...............
When sacrifices were needed, the father-son duo wore BANGLES, when Mumbai cried to be rescued ---even the nephew followed the family tradition. Raj like Udhav never whispered a word nor came up with their so-called Maharashtrian pride to fight like Shivaji and lay their lives as martyrs, defending their Mumbai. But if Mumbai is pronounced as Bombay, they would make Karan Johar bend on his knees and send him running high and dry before getting their goons’ ransack the theatres.
Nothing could be worse for the destiny of a city where the self-styled goons call the shots and people without any streak of intelligence and wisdom jump in the same well. Nothing is more shameful than roosting their political fortunes and looking for stunts to continue their lavish and spoilt lifestyles and hog the camera lights.
Udhav's statement in media ridiculing govt. by feeding Qasab with biryani when people did’t even get dal and rice was at the first place --too repulsive a thought representing his piece of mind.............
By the same standards when Qasab threatened the survival of Bombay or Mumbai, Was Udhav hiding under his father's kurta or was even the father hiding--kneeled under the same dining table with nephew Raj, where Qasab was having kebabs and biryani of human flesh because these three musketeers never ventured to give him a chase.............................
Sunday, October 11, 2009

The same Maharashtra Navnirman Sena who went after the public stunt of threatening Amitabh’ s movies and humiliating Jaya Bachchan now offers his manifesto to Amitabh...............
The same shiv sena loafers... vouching on the hype of Mumbaikar pride have been found with cars stashed with unaccounted currency notes.
Not a word for the poor Unnikrishanan who laid his life for the City--They call-- Mumbai, nor the sacrifices of Hemant Karkare or kamte remembered...what they remember is how to spread hatred and communalism and kill outsiders on the roads…this hooliganism is perhaps the nav nirman mantra of Mumbaikars..................if so, then the first person to be thrown out of Delhi is none other than their own Maharashtrian- Pratibha Patil, who undeservingly occupies the Rashtrapti Bhavan.................despite many cases-- both criminal and civil against her and her family...............

Or still better it is for the common Mumbaikar to judge………and make a difference.....
JAI HIND...........