Why don't the perpetrators of goondaism and and his mentor (who must be repenting to have included him in his bandwagon), go on agitations and strikes on the (security issue) and see that no one dares to use the Marathi land for sending mails and accept responsibility for the bomb blasts occurring at every corner of the country. Beating up taxi drivers and others for the sake of being a Bihari, or of a Hindi speaking origin or being a Muslim-christian, shows the paucity of any constructive plans that can be guided to a better prospectus.
Violence and bringing the whole city to a standstill is surely no long-term mantra to be in the limelight. Hitting out and using a disrespectful street language to a senior top police officer K.L.Prasad is surely a display of sick mentality of the person who thinks himself to be the self-appointed marshal of Mumbaikars.
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