Wednesday, September 17, 2008


All those politically coloured, sympathetic sounding statements of our ever so media-hungry politicians who don't miss out a chance to visit the sight of the massacre and announce a deluge of benefits for the victims seem to have met its Waterloo just 72 hrs. of its conception. The severe shortage of anti-gangrene serum costing Rs. 20,000 a vial, that could save the victims (already unable to come to terms with reality) from being maimed amidst the loud protests of the best treatment at govt. cost has proved to be a cruel joke on the face of the unsuspecting bed-ridden people for whom one blast changed the landscape of their future.

As our politicians are too shameless to accept this and find a way out of this State bestowed handicapped life, its only at the mercy of their fate that these victims are left to. Well not much takers to organise a bandh or an agitation for this JUST cause nor Sushma Swaraj at her loud decibel ed famous threat to shave her head off .......perhaps no Mamta Bannerjees or Brinda Karats or for that matter the famous Maneka Gandhi who finds cruelty to animals at the drop of a hat more politically gaining than the State sponsored cruelity to victims in not even meeting the basic medical requirements. One look at the Sarojini Nagar or the Meerut fire victims would expose the real gulf b/n the dream promises and reality faced by these victims.

I am sure if any politician would have been burnt in the blasts he would by now be in U.S. at State expense....or have the media and public memory been short enough to rememeber the 1991 Bombay blast victim who had 45 operations at the cost of Rs. 60 lacs to remove the glass splinters and the govt. paid him a mere 1 lac for his treatment............ Mr. Ramadoss would find this a better topic than the infamous Venugopal saga where his personal intervention went much beyond the required attention and provide the victims the best possible anti-gangrene serum vials ...well wasn't he the one who reminded the doctors to abstain the reservation protests as the ethics of profession so demand.................but the million dollar question is ----Who will remind these insensitive, undeserving politicians their ethics of serving the nation and the prosperity of its subjects...................?????????????

WELL ISN'T MY INDIA SHINNING ...........................with arsony, goondiasm, strikes, agitations, police laathi-charge, chakka-jams...............and now maimed citizens as the state turns a blind eye in providing the medical facilities...........

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