It had taken me almost 2 years to finally make it to the Bhratiya Bhawan. This time as if the divine powers worked and paved a smooth way for me to land at its precincts. And I very smoothly found myself taking to its ambience as fish takes to water. The intoduction session was in perfect confirmity to what my inner-self had been hunting for ------ a place where people realise the monstrous magnitude to which astrological science has been commercialised to and had been ridiculed by the money groping breed of astrolgers. Somehow I found the great orators including Mr. Rao being very practical on the issue.
His straight forwardness intruded my heart, his openness touched me, his passing on the credit to the youngsters like Meenakshi for the research done, his appreciating all and sundry for what-ever they were worthy of, simplistic attitude, down to earth persona and coming heavely on those who have put this science on the pyre of greed and exploitation........made me realise that I have entered the right door....... that my journey has ended at the right place........ahha......the walk has ended but the race is still to begin......a race to help put an end to commercialisation and exploitation and to expose the farce face of those who have thrived on such a plank.
I take as what they all said at its face value....I hope what I heard was not for the sake of a speech but for the unveiled meaning that it conveys........well I will surely take a risk ...... and plunge into the waters to swim to the shore over the tumultous sea of greed and arrogance......and I hpoe to believe the " waters " will not betray me in my quest to do what HE intends me to do................................OM NAMAH SHIVA.......
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