Sunday, July 6, 2008

CJI's decision ......A THOUGHT OF A LIBERAL MIND...

The Chief Justice of India has shown great understanding and acumen ship of highest order in giving his nod to the "JUDGE's EXPENSES SCAM" VIGILANCE INQUIRY TAKEN UP BY THE CBI. In allowing so he not only has spared himself the ingnomity of defending the culprit judges but has taken the steam out of the opposition sails and shrinked any political space that could have been available for all party battlefield on the subject.
It is a welcome step and would deter other judges at powerful places to fall prey to any materialistic greed and instead maintain the decorum and dignity of the office that they are attached to. Haven't we forgotten the shame that Justice Ramaswami and Justice Mukherjee brought to the profession. These things --the more they are taken seriously --the more the fear of some semblance of professionalism-- would percolate down to the lowest rung.

It is indeed shocking that a total of 7 crores swindled amongst 36 judges, 13 of them from the High Courts and Supreme Court, in a way speaks about the dwindling standards and falling ethics in the present judiciary which if not checked in time would become monstrously cancerous and another ground for a horse race to exchange money for any work done under the sun.


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