No doubt Indians have earned the reputation of being the most selfish breed on earth in a survey that found Israel to be the most faithful to their nation, Japanese to be the most hardworking and U.S. citizens to be the most individualistic peole.
In Japan people protest by wearing black badges and working beyond the office hours to put forward their demands. The economy at any cost does not suffer neither is the city held to ransom. No private property is set to flames, destruction is deletd from their charter of protest.
The recent Gujjar agitation spread over 27 days, losing 39 lives, affecting 15 districts caused cancellation of 24 train routes, 40 bus routes, causing inconvenience to lakhs of stranded passengers, resulting in 9,000 crore business and industry loss and a mamoth 17,000 crore TOTAL ECONOMIC LOSS in lieu of a mere 5% quota speaks low of people who once held pride in being calling their nation as THE GOLDEN SPARROW, a part of a civilisation that is the oldest HARAPPA and MOHENJODARO where remnants of man's efficiency and intelligence still remains a matter of pride.
WHAT A NATIONAL SHAME ........but who will tell whom?????????????
............for there would always be room for more reservations when the impotent govts. rule the roost.
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