With a spurt in street dog population, living in one's own house and using the same roads which one has been using for ages has nothing but become more draconian. 8-10 dogs in one street, at times running ferociously and at times barking when you just enter the street and then running as if it to pounce on you until you ward them off attentively, fighting among themselves aggressively not allowing one dog to enter the other's street, blasting barks at the dead of the night letting the world know that their population at that point of time outnumbers the human population, people feeding them right on the streets causing spreading off the food-stuff all over, dogs snatching away the garbage when the sweeper piles it--the worst being taking out the used sanitary pads and diapers and then spilling them into smithereens and spreading it all over the street-the obnoxious sight and smell of which will even make Maneka Gandhi run into bouts of vomiting, spilling the left-over food stuff packets from the garbage and letting the germs spread in the environment.
The best part is the people choosing to feed the dogs according to its colour--the white or the black as dear panditji would have told after seeing the horoscope------well ISN'T IT RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND DIDN'T OUR FATHER OF THE NATION FIGHT IT , isn't it cruelty to animals to choose them as per their colour and feed them denying the equally capable left out dog his fundamental right to FEED HIMSELF, the sight of dogs licking at drain water and satisfying his thrust and hunger from the obnoxious and stinking garbage, well isn't this the worst form of CRUELTY,,,,but are the media hogging and self protectors of animal rights bereft of all this.
The most dangerous cruelty to HUMANS by the DOGS is when they run wildly after showing up from the bushes or the corners after the scooterists and bikers are spotted on the roads causing sudden distraction and loss of balance when they see the dogs suddenly running after their vehicles.
HAVEN'T WE READ STREET DOGS MAULING THE INFANTS AND KILLING THEM AFTER TRYING TO EAT THEM ..................HAS HUMAN-LIFE become so cheap that even shooing a dog be it a rabies one is catapulted to cruelty by the much eccentric class of citizens whose only job is pin-pricking.........
It must be noted that I profess no cruelty to animals in any genuine form. Saving oneself or shooing it when the dog leaps on you let it be with a stick and misinterpreting it as cruelty robs the genuine desire or inclination of any sensible human being to be benevolent to animals. I have been myself actively involved in KARE (KINDNESS TO ANIMALS AND RESPECT FOR ENVIRONMENT) in my college days and even used to meet the area DCP s to give our representation on the real cruelty and not COOKED UP IMAGINATIONS AND EXAGGERATIONS.....by some idle pin prickers whose interest is not in the real welfare of the animals but to maintain their presence for a bubble of publicity................
HAVENT WE BECOME TOO CYNICAL IN OUR APPROACH....................thts what one must ponder over..........................
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