Friday, May 6, 2011
There definately seems some mens rea to let the case die a natural death and buried in the sands of delays and transfers than see the real culprits leave their palatial bungalows and spent the rest of their lives behind the bars.
Why has Ramdev not taken a crusade for justice against his one time close disciple N.D. Tiwari whose womanizing obsession led to his removal on being caught with three naked girls in the predicts of Raj Bhawan?
Why is Ramdev not sticking his neck out on this issue?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Does Mayawati lacks the feel of Womanhood?
Insensitive to the regular crimes of rapes and eve teasing . Her suddeness to pop up two ministers to National level Volley ball player Arunima Sinha who lost her leg after being thrown out of the train by three chain snatchers and lying unattended writhing in pain, smacks of snatching some media TRPs rather than any serious human sentiments. The bigger question is "Can such breed of politicians be remotely called Humans because of whose arrogance and unworthiness- the society not only suffers but bleeds...?"

The good part is the Sports Ministry will bear the expenses for it,” Mr. Ajay Maken Union Sports Minister had said.
But Still the question remains the same: "Can such breed of politicians be remotely called Humans because of whose arrogance and unworthiness- the society not only suffers but bleeds...?"
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Double standards of so called High Profile people of India
If that be so, Crime is increasing day in and out. Uncivilized treatments to the women in the cubs, cars and lot many places... despite all tall claims to curb them and provide security.
Manu Sharmas defended by Ram Jethmalanis in a brazen attempt to hijack and mislead the facts.
So does it mean - Police stations and Courts be shut down ... Mr.Sibal?
Adding to this, Ramdev is no doudt doing an excellent reformation and rekindling of our lost moral fabric but the way he is doing and his use of words show his biasness and are brazenly one sided.
Why has Ramdev not taken a Crusade for justice against his one time close disciple N.D. Tiwari whose womanising obsession led to his removal on being caught with three undressed girls in the precincts of Raj Bhawan...?
Now the question is: Why is Ramdev not asking his neck????
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Spoilt Indian era.........
Media for once dint leave the point to include her in the sanctum - sanctonium of 21st century India, forgetting the true picture of nepotims and dynastic proportions eating into public space and time.
The bewitched smile and media campaign of YOUNG-INDIA, goes beyond the goodies of cosmetic laughters. Kanimozhi's reflection of Young India mismatches her surreptious deeds and manipulative skills..........
Coalition of Black-mailer's politics,,,,,,
The DMK's withdrawl of support to the Govt after milking tons of the tax payer's money has once again exposed the hollowness of our democratic activism and the naked authorisation of blatant violations of law in every sphere of its existance.
The well-known Raja's tryst with swindling thousands of crores in the DMK's coffers and to Kanimozhi's NGO is worse than Britisher's or Mogul's plundering of national wealth.
Not to say Mulayam, Karat, Jayalalitha all have shown their true colours when ever the time to prove democratic institutions has befallen on India's lap. All have manipulated the sacred tenets of democracy like the ruthless czars of a spoiled autocracy.
Democracy surely has become the last laugh of these traitors, the authorised refuge of nation's smugllers......the more we allow this to abzorb in our silence , the more deafening its going to be proved.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Unsigned Credit Cards
There are usually 80% of cases in which cards are unsigned.............and in some cases customer feels his right to not sign it........argue and create a scene as no other retailor had ever asked him to........
Something that can easily be avoided............if things are in their wise mind,,,,,